Undergraduate Blog/Career Development

Seeking Personal Growth

As a college freshman on financial aid, the internship search was incredibly painstaking. It was hard to find positions that were hiring freshman to begin with, and the ones that did hire freshman were often unpaid without housing. While it was tempting to apply for internships that offered the biggest paychecks, I wanted a work experience that would provide me with valid learning experiences, personal growth, and career development. I finally found such a sales internship that met all the criteria I was looking for at Aruza Pest Control: they hired freshman, it offered a valid learning experience, and housing was provided by the company.

Although I have no intentions of pursuing a sales career, this internship will prove very useful in my future as an entrepreneur. In order to sell a product or service, I must understand my target market directly. I need to know how to emotionally connect with them in order to convince them why they need a product or service and how it will provide them with value. As a sales intern, I will be provided with a first hand experience in how to connect with a customer and sell them a product. Although I may not directly be doing direct sales as an entrepreneur, I will be able to look back at this internship when I am drafting marketing campaigns and determining how to sell a product to a target audience.

In addition to teaching me the key to sales, this internship will also provide me with the opportunity to build my communication skills. In the past several years, I have seen significant development in my communicating ability; however, I still see room for growth. Being a sales rep will take my communication skills to the next level by teaching me how to connect with my customer and build a rapport with them. This will not only be useful in the business world, but also my personal life.