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Peer Career Ambassadors


以下是您如何发送理想的后续信息:首先,you have to define your objective and there are 4 primary objectives: Ask for information: Example: You met with Company Z at the Career Fair and talking about a position you have already applied to,and the recruiter asks you to send an email with your…

Peer Career Ambassadors

SPRING Career Fair – Thursday,2月28日–不要错过!

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,什里雅·沙赫20岁。The Spring Career Fair is just around the corner.It will take place this Thursday,2月28日下午2点到5点,在百事公司展馆(韦伯斯特中心)。不需要注册,欢迎所有学生随时前来。准备…

Peer Career Ambassadors

The Power of Research

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,20岁的迪莎·塞蒂。你多久检查一次电话?And surf on your laptop?If you cannot think of a number at the top of your head,答案很有可能。你花在这些设备上的大部分时间都会适得其反……

Peer Career Ambassadors

Stress Management

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,Pranjal Joshi'19岁。一个beplay官网体育巴布森的学生似乎在一个一致的基础上处理压力,may it come from classes,项目,小组工作,job search,relationships,商业风险,等。身处高压力环境不是任何人的选择,但有时我们无法避免,especially as…

Peer Career Ambassadors

The STAR Method

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,20年的谣言。星型法是在简历中表达特定经历的理想方法。通常人们在描述职业经历时,leadership positions or community service events,they often fall prey to the trap of not being descriptive enough.有…

Peer Career Ambassadors


This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,什里雅·沙赫20岁。面试季节到了!As you start preparing,我想为你提供一些指导,关于如何在过去帮助过我的行为面试中取胜。这些是大多数行业行为面试的一些技巧和诀窍。1)研究…

Peer Career Ambassadors


This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador Julian Parra '20.For those of you reading right now who are interested in accounting,我们希望你知道这两个事件发生在校园这一周!第一,我们有四大会计小组——早期参与会计活动,旨在第一年……

Peer Career Ambassadors

Why Should I Go To Drop-Ins?

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador Luke Martiros '21.它可能是最小的东西:一页而不是两页,more buzzwords and less fluff,或者是对你最好成绩的清晰而有条理的描述。不管它是什么,your resume is vital in making you stand out.申请时…

Peer Career Ambassadors

Integrating Studying Abroad with Your Career Development Journey

This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador Julian Parra '20.对于你们中的许多人来说,在巴布森期间,你可以考虑出国留学。beplay官网体育You may meet some of your lifelong friends spending a week,a semester,甚至一整年都在不同的地方。While abroad,however,it…

Peer Career Ambassadors


This blog beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,20岁的Vivian Hsieh随着寒假的临近,你可能已经计划好四处旅行了,to do an internship,or to simply rest up for the next semester to come.然而,there are some things that you can do alongside your plan to best…