本科博客 beplay官网地址- 5页

Taking initiative, the key into the team


Bring the positive vibe to the team


Standing out by being a good team member


Shaping your Internship Experience



Why Should I be Faithful to the Task at Hand?

许多专业人士都生活在一个时间,我们可能只在一两年甚至几个月的作业,然后到下一个。这听起来像我们现代约会我吗ifestyle where the idea of being in a committed relationship sounds boring, a waste of…


Find a Way to Stand Out

Learning, although the most important goal of an internship in my opinion, must be balanced with proving oneself as an excellent worker.You never know when the people you work with or for will be hiring for a full-time position that you are interested in.Also, many job applications require a reference, so in impressing…


Be a Sponge

In my opinion, an intern’s number one priority should be to learn as much as possible about the position, company and industry that he finds himself in.Surely, interns can learn a lot through doing the work that they are tasked with completing, but, especially in the case of an internship, this work can often…