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With only 2 weeks left of my internship, I definitely started thinking about the next steps I want to take not only with ALKU, but with myself as well. I had to take a step back and think about where I wanted to end up after graduation and how that was going to play out.…


This blog post was written by Peer Career Ambassador Michael Horbowy ’18. Location is an important factor in weighing what job offers recent college graduates choose. Location affects every aspect of our lives, and it will impact performance and overall enjoyment of this new phase of your life. While proximity to family is important to…


这篇文章是beplay官网体育由同伴职业大使迈克尔·霍博利(Michael Horbowy)撰写的18篇文章,如果您发现自己在高年级的时候没有工作即将结束,CCD将为您举办活动。4月1日(星期五)的高级工作博览会将有40多名雇主,他们希望担任职位。这…




On my first day riding the subway, from Columbia University to the Evol8tion office in midtown Manhattan, I chose to pass the time by reading Richard Branson ‘s autobiography: Losing My Virginity (a must read.) Mid-ride I was abruptly interrupted by a loud confident voice. “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen,” A teen of thirteen or…