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Direct Marketing with Holiday Cards

There are many types of direct marketing strategies,but some of the most effective campaigns are the ones that don't look like direct marketing.Holiday cards仍然是亲朋好友之间的传统,即使在互联网时代,这也是保持联系的一种流行方式。考虑使用定制打印的假日卡作为直接营销概念的一部分。The holiday card can be most effective when it is designed with the company logo featured in an eye-catching way,but not as the centerpiece of the mailing.假日卡片应该看起来像是个人的接触,而不是群发邮件。中小型企业应尽可能在假日卡上手写签名。

It's possible to add the look of a personal touch even if you can't spare the time to have the cards hand signed.包括公司中一个突出的名字的签名,作为假日卡图形设计的一部分。你甚至可以订购一些特殊的地址标签贴在节日贺卡上,其中包括此人的姓名。看到寄信人地址标签上的名字和随附的签名,卡片会有一种更个性化的感觉。For the personalized touch from a team,考虑在假日卡的图形设计中包含一张团体照片和签名。寄信人地址标签可以包括您的团队名称,而不是一个人。

有些节日贺卡实际上是更有效的没有个人接触。A great example of this is the card that offers a discount on goods or services when presented at the time of sale.这将使假日卡成为贵公司的“礼物”,并激励客户返回。您是否试图跟踪直接邮寄策略的有效性?用你的假日卡做这件事的一个方法是提供折扣或奖励,并有一个到期日和一个赎回代码。当需要核对使用的卡数和兑换码时,you can see how many cards came back to you and the dates the redemption codes were used.

For some companies,最简单的方法可能是最好的。一张简单的卡片上写着“节日快乐”,并在寄信人地址标签上提供公司标志和网站信息,有时这是最好的策略。It all depends on the mindset of your customers.