

David Akiba:

“在我童年的卧室里,我搭了一个临时暗房。扩音器和化学反应都来自1950年代在布罗姆菲尔德街林立的相机商店。显影剂和固化剂的气味混合在一起,就像稀释版的嗅盐和蜂蜜。在制作黑白照片的过程中,每一步都有自己简单的乐趣。但是,最奇妙和神奇的是看着图像出现在显影盘里。形式慢慢地出现在一张白纸上,直到被光线照射的空间闪烁着只有相机才能渲染的细节。四十年来,我一直保持着这种简单的快乐。我带着期待和恐惧回到暗室,一种新事物即将被发现的感觉。相机捕捉到我选择拍摄的地方和人。有很多令人失望的地方。 But, so much can happen in the fraction of a second the shutter is open. Intent and chance may link up, and the fusion of the two creates surprising and thrilling results. It is the thrill that keeps me going out with the camera and returning in haste to develop the negatives. As a musician treasures the unique qualities of his instrument, I have come to deeply appreciate the camera’s singular way of rendering space on a flat surface. It has taught me to see the world more acutely, more joyfully. If the photograph is honest, the viewer may travel on a parallel path to its axis of feeling. There is no certainty of meaning, only the possibility of sharing a living moment.”

Babson College的David Akiba,艺术与人文师beplay官网体育