Living Entrepreneurship Blog/ Author: Abigail Vargas


Olin Professor and Composer Diana Dabby talks about The Jubilee Trio

By Diana Dabby — Olin professor,Music Program Director,and composer: I'm really looking forward to hearing the Jubilee Trio on Sunday,Nov.4!  Marion Dry (contralto),Robert Honeysucker (baritone),and Leslie Amper (pianist) have created an unusual program that features music by an array of composers,including Samuel Barber,William Grant Still,Florence Price,Howard…


Thrilled about the Concert

By Toni Lester: A chance to have the famed Jubilee Trio (Leslie Amper,Marion Dry and Robert Honesucker) premier one of my new music compositions,and also to be on  the same program with the esteemed composer,Diana Dabby.  Who could ask for more?!  I am excited and thrilled to be a part of this…


"Creaction" at beplay官网体育Babson

Paty Palumbo (1st year beplay官网体育Babson MBA Class 2014): When things seem to be changing faster than I can grasp them,when it feels like I am running from one class to another and I'm never able to finish what I need to do,there is one place where I always,and I really mean,always find peace.…


A Dancer Writing Her First Play

Shamoyita Mukherjee: Art… a feeder to the brain,body and soul.Unlike other MBA students of the country,beplay官网体育Babson MBA students get a chance to ‘creact' in their first few weeks of school.As a part of the 2014 batch,beplay官网体育Babson had put all 169 of us into artistic groups that we have never had…


A Trip to the Gardner Musuem;A Trip Home

Dominic Esposito: Sit down,close your eyes,and "get lost in the music." I've heard this phrase,"get lost in the music" before,but I've never gotten the chance to experience it until Sunday 9/9 at the Isabella-Stewart Gardner Museum.To understand my experience,you would've had to walk in my shoes on that day.…


The beplay官网体育Babson Blues Project

Steve Marchand: For those that have been away over the summer,welcome back to beplay官网体育Babson.We are now in the second full year of the beplay官网体育Babson Blues Project and hoping to continue the momentum we had from last Spring.After a lot of rehearsals and hard work,our efforts culminated with two great 30 minute…


Summer in London: Part II

Sagar Jain: New circumstances allow a traveller to consider the larger perspective in relation to culture by keeping one's eyes open to criticism and change.In this regard,with the intention of taking full advantage of the English culture,I came to London with very few expectations!A crucial element of the culture in London…


Until the Violence STOPS

Stephanie Millner: "The Vagina Monologues," by Eve Ensler,is a compilation of monologues taken from the life stories of real women.The play is part of the international V-Day campaign,which Eve Ensler launched to spread the word about violence against women and girls — and to STOP it ( year V-Day adds a…


My Summer at HBO

Julian Addy: Interning at industry giant HBO,has truly been a blessing.Besides being surrounded by some of the most creative people that I've ever meet,I have gained a myriad of invaluable information.During my 10 weeks at HBO,I interned in the Marketing Operations group within the Enterprises department,which is a branch…


Summer in London – Part I

Yizhen Hu: My favorite British cultural event so far is a British ballgown exhibition in V&A Museum—British Glamour Since 1950.The exhibition highlights the style,textures and colors of ballgowns from mid-20th century to 2012.Some of the vintage ballgowns are made with luxurious fabrics and very fine jewelry as decoration,which tell the prosperity…