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过去的B.E.T.A.挑战决赛选手:他们现在在哪里?(2016 Series: Part 4)

Abby Speicher M'15,无人机创始人

Abby Speicher M'15,无人机创始人

Abby Speicher M'15参加了2015 Babson'sbeplay官网体育B.E.T.A.Challenge,在那里,她成为了研究生部门的赢家,并赢得了2万美元来支持她的初beplay官网地址创企业,DARTdrones.达特无人机是一所专为无人机飞行员开设的飞行学校,重点是警察部门,消防部门,还有救生员。DARTdrones also teaches commercial drone users about regulations for drones,and how to fly.飞镖无人机在美国提供面对面的培训。

During the interview with Abby,she told me that she has applied B.E.T.A.Challenge not only $20,000 cash prize,但也是为了好玩。She said that B.E.T.A.这一挑战激励她与一群和她目标相同的人竞争。The competition became a channel through which she was able to show off her business and be judged by other people,包括其他参赛者。

Abby said that the prizes provided by B.E.T.A.Challenge helped her business grow significantly in the past months.DARTdrones originally has three locations in the U.S.A.,当艾比和她的共同创始人负责所有的培训和经营业务。After winning the competition,Abby used part of the money to hire five interns.整个团队最终在夏天扩大了业务。现在达特无人机有六名全职员工。
无人机在未来会有一些令人兴奋的机会。In the near future,艾比和她的团队打算在2016年开设在线课程,并招募40名新的培训师。DARTdrones also plans to provide classes for people who are taking FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) test in order to help test takers prepare for the exam.

艾比提到了一些她个人认为在参加B.E.T.A.考试时非常重要的建议。Challenge.She shared that that is important to act professional and show credibility for your company before and during the presentation.Abby said to show all the progress you and your team made,and to remember it is not a traditional business competition.Talking about the future plans for your business not only adds credibility,但会让评委和观众对未来感到兴奋。

Meet the B.E.T.A.Challenge semifinalists on April 6 and finalists on April 13.跟随Babsonbeplay官网体育beta访问B.E.T.A.Challenge to learn more!