Living Entrepreneurship Blog/beplay官网体育Babson Entrepreneurs

Blank in Boston – Product Launch Workshop

The following beplay官网体育post is from Ali Pincus Jacobs,a Blank Center team member.

Blank in Boston: Product Launch Workshop

We're excited to be at beplay官网体育Babson's Boston Campus for our next event – an in depth product launch workshop!

Forget raising capital,the real test of an entrepreneur is the ability to successfully launch their product or idea.However,launching and finding product market fit is no easy task – it requires serious planning,a complete understanding of your customers,impeccable execution and of course a little luck. Join us at beplay官网体育Babson's Boston campus for a complete product launch workshop with marketing expert and Boston startup veteran Cort Davies.

Cort Davies has a background in digital marketing and lead generation spanning the last 10 years.Over the last 5 years he has assisted over 50 tech startups in Boston,New York,and San Francisco to develop custom go to market strategies,generate inexpensive targeted leads,and produce thousands of happy customers.Of the companies he has assisted,over $30MM in seed and series A financing has been achieved.

Please note that this event will take place in Boston at the beplay官网体育Babson Boston campus at 100 High Street.Transportation from the Wellesley campus will not be provided.

See you at beplay官网体育Babson's Boston campus on Thursday,December 1!Registration starts at 5:30pm,event starts at 6pm.