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如何打造成功的企业文化,with Bryan Burdick

People often dismiss company culture as "soft" or "HR," but for many companies today,文化一直是吸引顶尖人才、推动创新和价值创造的关键因素。在如何建立成功的企业文化方面,布赖恩·伯迪克从他建立比索的丰富经验中说,a company that was eventually由LinkedIn收购2014年1.75亿美元。LinkedIn is known as being one of the最佳工作场所在世界上,with a4.4 rating on GlassDoor.The company boasts around a 70 on its Net Promoter Score,which is very high (Bizo scored a 97).Burdick found in his role as CEO that,when he hired better,团队合作得更好,and ultimately the company could fire better if it make a mistake on personnel.

伯迪克指出,大学生与他们的原则是一致的,根据他们的价值观过他们想要的生活。然而,当他们离开大学进入“现实世界”时,人们就失去了与他们的原则的联系。在当时,定义了公司原则和价值观将起到护栏的作用,helping people in companies make good decisions.在这一点上,Burdick mentioned the bookStart With Why,说明在建立公司文化时,你需要问“我们为什么要这样做”。形成正确的企业文化对企业有积极的影响,帮助它以正确的方式成长。

For instance,在比索,a former salesperson was hurt the company culture.When a number of employees complained,伯迪克和销售人员谈过,who agreed to change.However,一个月内,they were "back to their old ways," and the company had to make a difficult decision and let them go.尽管他们的销售失败了,the change in the office seemed to happen almost overnight,boosting morale and ultimately increasing sales.


伯迪克的原则已经贯彻到他现在的公司里,清政府,地方政府相互标杆的平台。Burdick joked that,在花了10分钟向他5岁的侄女解释清楚政府的商业模式之后,she simply replied "Clear Gov rhymes with beer glove," and he has been trying to figure out what a beer glove is ever since (he wants one).他在Clear Gov的角色始于天使投资人,他预计会成为被动投资者。However,Due to the positive interactions that he had with the Founder and CEO Chris Bullock,伯迪克发现他和布洛克想共同发展公司,always putting culture first.

Thus,culture is an often overlooked,然而,在建立一个成功的公司中至关重要的组成部分。In his book好到伟大,Jim Collins states thatgreat companies"start by getting the right people on the bus,the wrong people off the bus,and the right people in the right seats." In fact,他认为,你的公司文化(与你一起创业的人)是成为一家伟大公司的首要预测因素。所以,无论你是在从事一项多年的生意,还是刚刚开始你的第一次创业,consider what your idea of a "successful" company culture would be.It's never too late for a conversation with your team about whether your culture truly emulates your company values,谈话是朝着正确方向迈出的第一步。