Living Entrepreneurship Blog/Global & Multicultural


这篇博文是由Jessbeplay官网体育amine von Arx写的,who participated in the IES Abroad Program – Emerging Economies: Buenos Aires & Santiago this past Spring…

Why do you think it is important for students to go abroad?了解和你不同的人最好的方法就是旅行。作为转学生来到巴布森beplay官网体育,I was told it would be very difficult to go abroad and beplay官网地址graduate on time.I made it a priority to figure out how to go.I believed going abroad for a semester was important because it challenges you and helps you learn about other cultures.Learning about people who are different than me has been priceless and has helped me be a better person.出国留学让我意识到这些差异并没有那么大。

在国外接受教育期间,你学到的最重要的事情之一是什么?我学会了我是多么的有韧性。我选择了一个计划来挑战我。我不会说这种语言的地方,some place I had never been before,和我从未见过的人在一起,traveling within the program and living with host families.我很紧张,但这就是我选择它的原因!Pushing myself out of my comfort zone was a great decision.艰难的时光使我更坚强,美好的时光让我感觉更美好。I also learned how to lean more on my faith and on myself.我学会了我是谁。我对周围的朋友或家人没有什么了解,所以我有机会真正了解我将如何应对困难。我很幸运能有这样的机会。

What was the most challenging issue you overcame during your education abroad experience?I went on a program with only a few people,ten to be exact.Having a small group had positives and negatives.我努力在国外交朋友。I went to experience a new culture,eat good food and travel.My peers came for the nightlife and party scene.作为团队的一员,我不喜欢和他们一样的活动是很困难的,尤其是刚开始的时候,但它最终是一种福气。I ended up making friends with more locals.我必须做我想做的。我并没有屈服于同龄人的压力,当这真的很容易的时候。

你对东道国的文化最惊讶的是什么?我最惊讶的是,我访问的文化非常父权制。The whistling and looks were annoying and hard to get used to but it made me appreciate home.虽然我们在美国还有很长的路要走,being in a society where most women still don't work and men grabbing at you is normal made me realize how lucky I am.It also made me more passionate about wanting to spread feminism abroad.

How do you think your experience abroad will shape your future decisions and goals?我一直想为一个非营利组织工作with hunger,无家可归或受教育。Coming to beplay官网体育Babson,相反,很容易与公司建立联系。出国,尤其是对于一个贫穷的国家,这让我想起了为什么我要工作来战胜饥饿和无家可归。现在,我的目标是为一个非盈利组织工作。

If you had to share one moment during your time abroad that was particularly influential,会是什么?When I was choosing a study abroad program,我真的想感觉自己好像真的生活在一个城市里。To me,that meant I wouldn't be in a homestay.I ended up picking a program that only had the option of a homestay.起初,I was bummed and wanted to be able to live on my own.但这是我在国外最有影响力和最有益的一段时间。有个东道主妈妈给了我练习西班牙语的机会,tell me her opinions on history and politics,show me the unknown gems of the city and to have a companion when I was homesick.I got a deeper and more meaningful experience because of the relationship I got to have with my host mom.理解她或和我从未见过的人住在一起并不容易,但是,those challenges helped me grow.I am so thankful for my host mom.

Many students feel like they cannot afford to go abroad.  If comfortable,请谈谈你是如何支付出国经历的?你获得奖学金/助学金了吗?我也担心国外的钱,但很快我发现我出国的花费比呆在巴布森要少。beplay官网体育因为不管你如何支付巴布森的学费(助学金,beplay官网体育loans etc.) stays the same,你只需要专注于住房,food and flights.Going to South America gave me the opportunity to have very affordable housing and meals (especially in Santiago,Chile) and by searching on for good flight deals,I came out ahead.The only thing is I lost was not being able to make money.This was hard for me but if you plan far enough ahead,you should be able to save from jobs and internships and cover the costs you incur.