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Sandeep Soni:空白中心咨询委员会成员简介

Sandeep Soni第20页

Sandeep Soni P'20是Unique Business Systems的首席运营官,a global technology company in the enterprise software space.他是一位天使投资者,也是印度天使网络(IAN)的董事会成员。先生。Soni是几家初创公司的顾问和董事会成员,现在担任空白中心的顾问委员会成员。

在当今的数字世界中,conventional employment opportunities are shrinking for young people.很多大学生担心他们的未来前景,尤其是因为他们已经收回了学生贷款。Technology is making the world a fundamentally more efficient place.这既令人兴奋,又充满挑战,令人难以抗拒。解决这种困境的一种方法是鼓励创业精神。Entrepreneurship creates new jobs and provides opportunities to risk-takers.

我很兴奋巴布森就在创业的舞台上。beplay官网体育像Babson这样的机构解决的不仅仅是商业beplay官网体育问题。They solve the social problem of people not having as many career opportunities.This waste of human potential is staring us in the face,but can be resolved by simply thinking of business differently.我们的形势迫使经济创新和创造力,因此创造就业机会。

What is your greatest entrepreneurial achievement?
有一些我很自豪。I was one of the youngest Marketing Directors at CitiGroup.我很早就取得了成功,因为我在花旗集团(Citigroup)的保护下在消费金融方面创办了两家公司。作为跨国机构的一部分,我有创业的机会,one of which was scaled to over $3 billion.

I am also an angel investor and invest in a lot of tech startups,ranging from mobile apps to big data and e-commerce.我在这些公司的董事会任职。我也是印度天使投资网络的一员,我负责整个网络的交易流程。For example,我们最近与一家总部位于加州的社交媒体初创公司达成了一项交易,该公司拥有超过100万名客户。他们40-50%的业务在亚洲,尤其是印度,所以我正在帮助他们更深入地了解这些地区。I find young companies and entrepreneurs to support,投资,和导师。In return,some bring me onto their boards.

The joy of creating companies.I am a business builder at heart- it's something that I truly enjoy.I feel deeply that entrepreneurship solves real problems in the world.创业是解决社会问题的最佳途径。私营部门仍然有很大的空间,因为没有太多的初创企业。很多人都在谈论创业,but there remains a huge gap between the number of people seeking employment and the number of available opportunities.Entrepreneurship has a deep social angle.社会方面并不总是受到重视,因为人们倾向于关注金钱,但真正的故事是关于创新,creativity,and taking care of society.

What do you do for fun?
When I get the time,我打高尔夫球和网球。我也喜欢阅读和看印度电影。



A great entrepreneur understands the true meaning of entrepreneurship.A lot has to do with giving back to society.Great examples include Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.他们创造了商业利益社会的神奇企业,但他们也以另一种有意义的方式与社会分享。They give back entrepreneurially to ensure that their money is productive,so they donate to reputable organizations.巴菲特向比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会承诺了巨额财富。世界需要企业家分享他们的繁荣,思想,and their gift of problem-solving.

Do you have any tips for entrepreneurs?
我不断向企业家学习。他们,同样,应该是经常学习的人。There's no formula for it.学习是不变的,变化是不变的。知道这一点的企业家将会成功。

这对我来说是一个新的尝试。It's been great to gain exposure to the Blank Center because I've heard such great things about the organization.我很高兴认识Debi Kleiman,空白中心执行主任,以及其他董事会成员。前方有一条长长的跑道,可以利用各种机会。我们计划把空白中心推向新的高度。I'm happy to contribute whatever I can to this journey.