创业生活博客/beplay官网体育Babson Entrepreneurs


19年4月陈和余雪儿,Wellesley College'19 of Gentle

April Chen '19 is a Co-Founder ofGentle.In 2017,温文在Kickstarter上超越了目标,raising nearly $5,500 from 120 backers.It is now a running business,有着令人兴奋的进展。April is also a freelance graphic designer and was involved in last year's夏季创业计划.

Tell me about Gentle.
我们的使命是让同情心达到目的地。We bridge the gap between empathy and action through meaningful products.We are first starting with a series of empathy cards,第一行卡片叫做“给予的力量”,每张卡片都有一个可着色的封面,里面有一个独特的练习。我们有五个卡片主题:和平,锲而不舍,Resilience,耐心,Hope.

What inspired you to start your business?
我一直对如何利用创造力来实施社会变革感兴趣,创业精神是一个自然的出口。During my second year at beplay官网体育Babson,I personally had a close friend who committed suicide and also saw a lot of other people on campus go through grief.我开始觉得需要更多的同情心,以及我所在社区的理解。作为设计师和艺术家,I wanted to start somewhere.所以,as I observed how many of the sympathy cards that were passed around did not communicate the depth of understanding required for a connection,我开始重新想象它们的样子。在这个过程中,我请韦尔斯利学院的一个朋友帮忙,and together,我们变得温柔了。

Who is your role model and why?
我总是仰慕女企业家。目前,I am inspired by Sarah Dubbeldam,达林传媒首席执行官兼总编辑。达林带来了关于在这个文化中真正成为女人意味着什么的轻松对话。它激励女性坚强,甜美的,时尚的,接地的,渴望和智慧。This brand has a lot of authenticity simply because Sarah Dubbeldam is all of those attributes.她以她生活的方式说话,and carries herself.所以,when she speaks about Darling and her vision,她的声音是正直的。

What motivates you?
我真的很享受创造美好和有影响力的东西的过程,实现一个数字目标就像是第二个奖励。也,和我一起工作的人总是激励着我。包括我的联合创始人,米歇尔。I love our partnership because we also keep each other accountable to focus on what matters.

What is the best piece of advice you've received?最坏的是什么?

最糟糕的建议是任何假设创业是线性的建议,one-size-fits-all path.Because it is not.每个人都有自己的个性,unique character traits,以及一系列的生活经历,that mould and shape the way they build a a venture that works for them.

Telling the story behind Gentle,and what it stands for.这是一个脆弱的行为。我全心全意投入这次冒险,and it takes a lot of courage for me to continuously put it out there.

What has been your greatest challenge and what lessons did you take from it?
我最大的挑战是要有信心。作为一个亚洲女人,我经常觉得自己不符合典型企业家的成见,nor did I ever feel comfortable calling myself one.但我相信温柔的潜在影响可能比我看重的舒适区更重要。

Don't go alone;there is an entire network of people you can tap into and connect with.巴布森社beplay官网体育区,特别是understands what you're doing.在巴布beplay官网体育森,people get how that you're a full-time student,and a full-time entrepreneur.


eTower: The members have taught me so much,and the events we organize are consistently of high quality.

Antonette Ho (at the Blank Center): She is so supportive,真正关心学生。

beplay官网体育巴布森演讲中心:教练们真的花时间了解你,and develop you in not only in the nuances of public speaking,但也要相信你。



Finally,我只想说任何开始的事情都不容易,but it becomes a lot more exciting when you surround yourself with people who you resonate with,希望看到你成功。

"If you want to go fast,go alone.如果你想走很远,一起去。”