Living Entrepreneurship Blog/ Tag: Good Pitch - page 2

Emily Denoble

Entrepreneurship Faculty Profile: Lakshmi Balachandra

Lakshmi Balachandra is one of the friendliest professors I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.她在校园里走来走去,脸上带着微笑,对她以前的学生现在所参与的事情很感兴趣。I know this because she was my FME professor!巴拉昌德拉教授坚持不懈,dedicated,loyal,and silly,…



We're thrilled for our first #How2Tuesday of 2017!Tuesday,February 14 at 5pm in Luksic 101: How 2 Divide Equity with Professor Les Charm,Senior Lecturer of Entrepreneurship!不知道如何与创始人平分股权?周二与Les Charm教授一起参加互动研讨会,February 14 at 5pm in Luksic…


How 2 Use Storytelling

The following beplay官网体育post is from Sara Wu '17,管家风险加速器团队成员。Our last #How2Tuesday  this past fall was Pitching: The Art of Storytelling.我们荣幸地邀请了Lakshimi Balachandra教授主持这次会议。从她自己的风投背景来看,Balachandra教授确定了投资者最重要的五个因素…


Perseverance and Raising Capital

以下是迈克尔·维加·桑兹19beplay官网体育年写的,卢拉联合创始人,a fall 2016 hatchery business."I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance." – Steve Jobs,苹果公司的联合创始人,当我和我兄弟在四周内筹集到20万美元时…



巴布森创beplay官网体育业论坛(BEF)是本年度的旗舰学生管理论坛。今年,非洲金融论坛庆祝了其成立15周年,作为庆祝活动的一部分,they hosted a Live to Pitch event.在波士顿有40多家初创公司申请,but only five ventures were chosen to compete live in front of an experienced panel…


Takeaways from Pitching to Investors

The following beplay官网体育post is from Matthew Vega-Sanz '19,卢拉联合创始人,a fall 2016 hatchery business.每一个准备在未来某个时候向投资者推销或筹集资金的企业家,should know the words of Richard Harroch,“筹集资金几乎总是比你想象的要困难,还有…


#How2Tuesday: How to Use Storytelling

星期二,空白中心的“十二月二日”系列赛继续进行,11月8日下午5点!How 2 Use Storytelling with Lakshmi Balachandra,Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at beplay官网体育Babson!本次会议重点讨论创业者在制定自己的推销方案时应考虑的问题,特别是,the how stories can capture investors' interest when entrepreneurs pitch their ventures for funding.  Participants will…

Emily Denoble

Verbal and Nonverbal Presentation Techniques

Remember Amy Cuddy's 2012 TED Talk in which she introduced the importance of "power posing?" She studied whether our nonverbals affect how we think and feel about ourselves,and as it turns out,they do.Cuddy found that people who for two minutes posed in "high power" positions,包括伸展和伸展…

Emily Denoble

The Art of Persuasion

你知道那种劝说吗?defined as "a conscious attempt by one individual or group to change the attitudes,信仰,或其他个人或个人团体通过某些信息传输的行为“,连续统上的函数?你的公司发出的每一条信息都可以轻微或完全改变客户对你的看法…


How to Make a Great PowerPoint Presentation

The following beplay官网体育post is from Chirag Shah M'17,co-founder of Rapidocc a 2016 SVP Wellesley business.我们都知道一个好的PowerPoint演示文稿的基本要素——迷人的视觉效果,简洁的陈述,以及深思熟虑的动画和过渡。虽然我们知道这些因素是很好的表现,we don't always employ them.Why?因为我们更舒服…