Graduate Blog/beplay官网地址研究生入学


来自加拿大多伦多的问候,我和Domenic的同事本周参加了两次招聘活动。昨晚,我们参加了Forte Foundation论坛. This was Babson’s and the Forte Foundation’s first foray to Toronto, and from Babson’s perspective, we will certainly be returning. We spoke with many engaged, entrepreneurial-thinking women interested in how Babson delivers an MBA. They came to talk about our tranformative graduate experience and the skill set they would acquire and take back to industries such as finance, law, engineering, and their own businesses.

明天,9月8日,星期六,Domenic将在The Babson餐桌上配备beplay官网体育QS World MBA Tour在多伦多大都会会议中心。停下来获取有关的信息我们的MBA课程,,,,sign up要开始接收我们的信息和邀请,并会见Domenic,MBA ’06。如果您不在多伦多或附近,想知道我们什么时候来您的城市,州或国家,请检查我们的events page在我们的录取网站上。招聘季节仍然年轻,巴布森正在美国和世界各地访问。beplay官网体育

In my brief free afternoon, I walked a little of Toronto and here are a few pics: beautiful Lake Ontorio and Tim Horton’s!