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Summer Catalyst Program WEEK5: Showcase Preparation + OKRs

We are halfway into the Summer Catalyst Program and our teams are becoming more对他们迄今取得的进展充满信心!As everyone continues to refine their pitches,participants have expressed their excitement be regards to the insights they've gained while becoming more familiar with the entrepreneurial ecosystem of San Francisco.

为了准备展示,each team created Objectives and Key Results (OKR) and shared them with the group. Some goals include: having a demo product ready for beta users, completing focus groups,building prototypes,采访潜在客户。We will keep each other accountable and track each other's progress throughout the remaining weeks of the program.

Participants were greeted with a familiar face during our guest speaker session.Elliott Adams,the Director of the Summer Catalyst Program,informed participants of smart ways to secure new connections and expanding one's professional network online.With these tips in mind, the teams have taken steps in ensuring that they are actively pursuing new leads and utilizing these new skills.

For Hot Seat, Jacob Van Den Heuvel '19 presented his business idea in front of the group. Jacob has been working on his venture alone as a solo entrepreneur but with the help of his mentor,他把自己最初的想法转变成了一个他更热衷于追求的事业。

This week,beplay官网体育Babson San Francisco also hosted 44 executives from Latin America for an INCAE Executive Education program. It was a great opportunity on campus to connect with one another and learn about the cultural differences in conducting business.

Stay tuned via安装图@beplay官网体育babsonsf to see the latest events at our San Francisco campus and save the date for our Summer Catalyst Showcase onAugust 2,2018.You can registerhere!