Graduate Blog/Career Development


By Linh Le, MBA Candidate 2019

我很幸运地受到了研究生亲和力会议赞助的赞助,并能够参加社会资本市场(SOCAP)会议。beplay官网地址“ Socap是世界领先的会议,激活了资本市场,以推动积极的社会和环境影响 - 在金钱和意义的交汇处召集了市场。”超过3300名影响力投资者,社会企业家,慈善家,商业领袖和变革制造商……来自70多个国家 /地区的变革者在SocAP18举行了为期4天的会议。



  • 现在,许多企业风险投资都将影响投资视为产生重大和可持续影响的一种方式。In case you don’t know what Corporates Venture Capital is, “Corporate venture capital (CVC) is a subset of venture capital wherein corporations make systematic investments into startup companies, often by taking an equity stake in an innovative firm tangentially related to the company’s own industry.” (Investopedia). SOCAP brought CVCs of Orange, Salesforce, Autodesk Foundation, GE Business Innovations… to panel to share their experience. They shared the same thought that impact investments can benefit not only a corporation’s bottom line but also their customers and their community.
  • There is a growing community of investors steer capital to female-led companies. Besides many panel discussions about gender lens investing, it was great to see such a number of impact investors, community builders, foundations, and businesses came to Gender Lens Investing Champions Breakfasts to share their experience on investing through a gender lens. Investors believe that it’s a smart move to invest in female-led businesses, not only it can promote the advancement of women and promote equity but also help investors to spot overlooked opportunities, which eventually bring big returns on investment. Likewise, supporting female entrepreneurs is the key to reducing poverty in many developing countries and regions, including Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 金融科技为金融包容性仍然是一个热门话题。金融科技吸引了很多关注,最近大量资金,以及根除贫困的关键也提到了包容性金融科技。由Catalyst Fund,Accion和Quona Capital组织的包容性金融科技欢乐时光吸引了一百多人,他们有兴趣将Fintech用作永久的力量。大公司还加入了与Visa Foundation的Visa这样的运动。
  • 我们需要更多的国际合作来产生重大影响。在SOCAP,我遇到了许多投资者,基金会和社区建筑商,他们正在积极寻求新兴国家的投资准备就绪的社会企业,或者机会扩大其计划,以对加拿大大挑战赛等发展中国家产生更大的影响。这些组织非常开放,可以与发展中国家的当地社区建筑商合作,并认为最好的方法是一起走。

The most valuable thing I got out of SOCAP was not the panel discussions itself but the people I met. It was so easy to bump into a partner of a renowned impact fund, an accomplished social entrepreneur, or a foundation with funding over $100M at SOCAP. By investing time in finding the right people to talk with and setting up meetings with them in advanced, I had many fruitful conversations. The SOCAP community were incredibly supportive and always willing to help. I walked away with tons of knowledge and many potential partnership opportunities for Seed Planter – the entrepreneurship institute for impact entrepreneurs in Vietnam that I’m building. Attending SOCAP and being a part of this growing community at the intersection of money and meaning gave me a lot of inspiration and strengthen my motivation to make a bigger impact in the society.