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beplay官网体育Babson在Cogitatio Chinese的期刊上撰写了两篇文章,关于人口贩运和现代奴隶制的透视

克里斯蒂娜贝恩, Director of人口贩运和现代奴隶制的倡议,和Elizabeth Swanson,Babson教授的艺术和人文教授最新的撰写文章beplay官网体育Cogitatio Press’s对人口贩运和现代奴隶制的观点.

克里斯蒂娜贝恩贝恩的题为,在抗击人口贩运方面的创业与创新, addresses how entrepreneurship education can train and inspire the next generation of anti-trafficking leaders.



Elizabeth Swanson斯旺森的题为,Freedom, Commerce, Bodies, Harm: The Case of Backpage.com,再次解决诉讼诉讼。


This article situates lawsuits against Backpage.com in the context of changing laws and norms of sexual commerce and trafficking, and of evolving legal interpretations of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Section 230 has been used repeatedly to shield internet service providers such as Backpage.com from liability for content generated by third parties that has led to criminal harm to others; in this case, the trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of minors. Moving to a critique of the law as at times grievously detached from the realities it addresses, I compare the legal strategies and decisions in three prominent cases brought against Backpage.com in St. Louis, Tacoma, and Boston, respectively. This critique identifies the evacuation of gendered bodies and the harm done to them from the court opinions as an example of what Robert Cover has called the “interpretive violence” of the law, and of the judges who interpret and dispense it. I conclude by calling for courts and Congress to act together to disrupt the accumulation of interpretive precedent favoring freedom of commerce and speech over the protection of bodies from harm.