

ByNate Garvis社会创新研究员The Lewis Institute裸体公民,有限责任公司


这恰好是对当今安全和安保领域周围环境的一个伟大描述。Our institutions were designed for a different day and age and we are facing dramatically different landscapes.从国外和国内的恐怖主义行为到对自然灾害的重大影响,一切都与十年或二十年前的情况有很大不同。

上周我去了Aspen Institute's Security Forum和我的老朋友靶标.靶标?为什么会靶标want to spend time focused on global security concerns,running around with the top thinkers in the field and the top brass in our national security agencies?为什么他们会出现在一个通常的问候是“为什么你在这里”的地方?他们为什么要改变这个既有良好基础又强大的社区对我们挑战的看法?

答案是因为靶标知道它在不健康的社区做得不好。They could sit back and complain that it is someone else's (read: the public sector's) job,but for nearly two decades they've decided that a better approach is to roll up their sleeves and get into partnership with first responders in the 1,800+ local communities in which they operate.好邻居就是这样做的。甚至是公司邻居。

ET&A可能与全球和国家安全这一特定主题有关,这可能会让您感到惊讶。And it may even strike you as odd to put an ET&A tattoo on a company with $70 billion in revenues and somewhere around 350k employees.But that is exactly the mindset that we are trying to employ out here in the mountains of Colorado.

当你面对变化的环境时,波动性和模糊性,ET&A是一个非常有价值的心态,无论你的领域是什么。你能在多个不同的地方使用这些强大的工具beplay官网体育作为核心实践。Marrying an orientation of common good civic outcome with the nimbleness of ET&A promises to bring true value to our communities and also broadens the impact,品牌和声誉beplay官网体育远远超出了传统的商学院定义。

对,可能有时看起来像华盛顿,直流电我们的政治环境越来越不能对我们不断变化的形势作出功能性的反应。尽管这可能有争议,here is something that's not: it's time for a new playbook and there's no existing recipe for it.我们必须一起采取明智的行动,开始学习下一步要做什么。
