beplay官网注册Creating Social Value Blog/社会创新


由Ryan Lupberger撰文,beplay官网体育Babson Underbeplay官网地址graduate Student and Scholar at The Lewis Institute.

What does it mean to be a beplay官网体育Babson student?How does one discover their passion in an unfamiliar atmosphere overwhelmed with possibilities?What motivates the majority of beplay官网体育Babson students?

这些问题是我作为一个新的GAP学生在一月份踏入校园时问自己的。A GAP student is a student who takes off the fall semester to pursue interests outside of school.Some travel abroad,some go on backpacking trips,还有一些实习生。As someone who is motivated by socially responsible business and solving some of the world's greatest problems,I used the time for a semester to intern with a company called the Unreasonable Institute.

The Unreasonable Institute is a social venture accelerator.他们接受那些试图帮助世界的企业,并让他们通过严格的五周计划。During this program they match them with world-class mentors (i.e.the manager of Google X lab and a Time's Hero of the Planet),offer workshops on how to refine their business for maximum scale,并提供融资机会。My biggest takeaway from the experience is that socially responsible businesses do不是需要承担利润损失,也不需要非盈利。

我来到巴布森是为了成为新一beplay官网体育轮商业浪潮的一部分,这波商业浪潮打破了人们对“帮助”世界的商业传统信仰。我想支持和创建不需要承担利润损失的企业来帮助他们周围的社区,but rather have helping the community built into their very business plan;businesses that create ethical products following a conscious buying trend,businesses that place the happiness of their employees as a priority because productivity actually increases with happiness,and businesses that use their waste as another product and finds a reusable solution that makes more money.

I started my time here at beplay官网体育Babson at The Lewis Institute because it is at the forefront of socially responsible business.They are at the cutting edge of proving the social concepts mentioned above in the corporate world and are a great resource for mentorship,ideation,支持那些对未来充满激情和动力的人。我鼓励任何有兴趣的学生到研究所了解更多。

This blog beplay官网体育post is the first in a series that will foster a conversation about social innovation and awareness on campus.我们如何做作为一个社区?What's the level of awareness about socially focused business?How many people believe that if they want to help the world they have to go into non-profits?从校园第一年的角度来看;我们的社区与社会责任企业的关系到底在哪里?

We,the students here at beplay官网体育Babson College,will be the next leaders and change makers of the business world.The real question is,where will we lead it?