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Providing Pathways Not New Ways for Change

“你的能力远远超过你所知道的。选择一个适合你的目标,努力做到最好,however hard the path.瞄准高处。Behave honorably.Prepare to be alone at times,and to endure failure.坚持!The world needs all you can give." -E.O.Wilson

我们喜欢刘易斯研究所的这句话,现在,在我们旅程的5.1/2年后,这句话真的说明了我们对世界所面临的困境的感受。Now more than ever the world needsall we can give.The world is impatient for us topersist at our goals.世界需要人who act honorably,who reflect andwho not only endure failure,but use failure as one of the most instructive learning experiences that we have available to us.If we listen,reflect and act differently we can change those things that need changing.

Change isn't a spectator sport it requires action.“以一种新的思维方式行事,而不是以一种新的方式行事”是杰里·斯特林经常引用的一句话,25年前,他的一位朋友和导师与妻子莫妮克斯特林共同创立了积极越轨倡议。They knew how to activate lasting change that redirected the trajectory of millions of people's lives.他们的变革理论是确定那些在一个系统中生存和繁荣的人,并观察他们所采用的行为,以获得比该社区其他人更积极的结果。Then have those who were suffering observe and learn strategies to act differently for positive outcomes.不仅仅是知道如何改变,it was about knowing how to act differently for positive behavior change.

这么多学生从我们的门进来,participated in our programs,reached out to us and our expanded networks because they are seeking pathways to make positive change.They have deep desire to challenge the status quo.They want to express their honorable instincts to do something greater and more meaningful to impact our world through the tools of business and entrepreneurship.无论是气候变化,人权,sanitation,healthcare,教育,营养不良,母婴死亡率,access to water,食物不安全等。我们的学生非常关心很多困难,他们正在寻找改变的途径。

许多人认为,一条道路必须是一种新的方式,我们鼓励所有想要激活变革的人去看看什么是有效的。持久的变革正在发生,作为变革推动者和社会创新者,我们的工作是观察变革的成功之处,而不是总是创造新事物。社会创新不仅仅是什么,这是关于谁和如何。It is about the cultivation and reconfiguration of relationships and resources to produce positive outcomes.

It takes courage,radical curiosity,keen observation,empathy,and most importantly the ability to coalesce teams of teams in order to activate and sustain change.所以,when you walk through our doors,and engage with us because you have a desire to make something better or challenge the status quo in a particular domain,we will always help you create apathway.这可能不是一种新的方式,这是完全正确的。In fact,也许更好。