Creating Social Value Blog/Food


I’d been hearing aboutSonia Lo一阵子。她的公司FreshBox农场had a booth atbeplay官网体育巴布森粮食日last October, and she has spoken at food events around town. But I finally got to meet her and hear her speak when谢丽尔凯泽and I were asked to co-create part of Museum of Science Boston’s Food Charrette last month.

现在,我很高兴能分享她将是我们的下周二的社区表特邀嘉宾,我们的最后一个学期。索尼娅已经十多年的独立战略顾问及天使投资人,募集了US $120米融资及14家企业是一个天使投资人。她住在16个国家和35做生意她会讲7种语言。

While her role as CEO of FreshBox Farms in Millis, MA is the impetus for her attending Community Table, her way of talking about food, technology and investing links into much broader global contexts.

For Community Table attendees used to hearing from special guests on niche topics, Sonia’s visit will be a distinctive change of pace. Her experiences and work touch farming, food tech, pure tech, startup strategy, global markets, and investing. Students interested in any of these fields should not miss this very special last Community Table of the semester.

Food Sol Community Table: Blank Center ground floor common workspace. 1:00-2:00 p.m. next Tuesday, April 11. Open to all, come-when-you-can, leave-when-you-need-to, no registration required.