beplay官网注册创建社会价值博客/Social Innovation

Classes Come to Life as a beplay官网体育Babson Board Fellow

Kaitlin McCafferty,MBA’18,分享她beplay官网体育巴布森董事会成员有联邦厨房工作经验。


当我听说董事会成员计划时,我知道我必须参与其中。As a student,我对董事会的运作方式及其对企业的影响很感兴趣。作为一个女人,我知道董事会上的性别均等会带来更多成功的公司,我认为抓住机会获得董事会经验对于我的职业生涯很重要。作为一个致力于创造社会价值的人,beplay官网注册the ability to learn about and work with a nonprofit was a hugely motivating aspect of the program.

英联邦厨房当我和英联邦厨房我真是太高兴了。A friend of mine started an ice cream company a few years ago and I had a front row seat to the joys and challenges of starting a small food company.作为CWK董事会的一员,我有了一扇进入一家公司的窗户,这家公司通过租赁厨房来帮助小食品公司成长,创建志同道合的企业家社区,and offering food entrepreneurs business skill development classes and so much more.参加董事会会议表明,员工和董事会致力于这些公司的成功,正如企业家希望成功一样。CWK的人也一样。CWK works really hard to give entrepreneurs a fair shot and is constantly listing,努力改进,and trying to find more opportunities for their companies.The board and staff's passion and commitment to the community was amazing—I found myself rooting for the entrepreneurs and strategizing about how we could help them even more.

What was the most unexpected takeaway or "aha moment" of your BBF experience?

在董事会上并不吓人也不闷——我想象着一张大桌子上坐着穿着西装的男人,取出计算器,还有一个木镶板的房间。相反,我的董事会很友好,多样的,深思熟虑的,和战略。我们在讨论我们的议程时分享食物,关注公司面临的挑战。The board's job is really to look at a company from a different altitude and to be a sounding board for the business leadership.I was inspired by the different backgrounds of people on the board—entrepreneurs,金融家,以及有非营利背景的人。I pulled from my background in brand and marketing,从我的课上,从我在会议中的经验来看。当我们面对挑战时,看到我的课程开始活跃起来,opportunities,胜利真的令人兴奋。


挖进去!听,与董事会成员建立联系,and offer your insight.努力了解他们的商业模式,看看竞争对手和环境,把你的知识和经验带到董事会。他们很高兴有你,也很想听到你的消息!

What's next for you?

我要完成我的混合式学习八月份的节目!I'm looking forward to a summer of working on my Capstone project at the beach and looking for opportunities to re-engage.I'm also planning on hitting up在肯德尔广场新出现的-看起来很神奇!!
