大学生博客beplay官网地址/Defining Your beplay官网体育Babson

Now I'm Hungry.

对于我的第一个博客,我将讨论一个我们所有人都很关心的问题。It influences our lives day-in and day-out.我们在招生办公室一直都有关于这方面的问题。You may pretend that it doesn't influence your choice of institution of higher learning,but it really is always in the back of our minds (or stomachs),至少有点重。

When we get asked "how is the food here?",这似乎是一个标准的“了解学校”调查。But looking into the face of a prospective student as they wait for a response is like looking into their mind and realizing they're thinking "……No,真的……食物怎么样?I need to know if I'm going to starve,if I'm going to spend all my money on delivery,if I should work more hours to pay for this,if I'm going to gain 20 pounds first semester,如果我现在就开始有更多的期待,如果我要去GNC买些维生素来补充我的饮食。你最好有正确的答案,否则我就把生意转到别处去了,朋友!“这是,没错,a need-to-know subject.

In order to help write this entry,I conducted an informal survey (my marketing professors would be so proud).我问其他学生他们最喜欢在校园里吃什么。While my opinion on the issue is clearly important,我意识到,不是每个人的一天都会好上20倍,当他们发现整洁的餐厅为晚餐做了自己的炒菜。I collected a good variety of responses.Answers ranged from the creative: making your own pizza bagels (I'm pretty sure you would have to utilize at least 4 different stations in Trim for this),to the excessive: taking advantage of when they serve breakfast foods at dinner by having french toast and hash browns,然后继续吃比萨饼,followed by ice cream,为了避免这个问题并把它带出校园:街边的柠檬泰式炒饭。

我调查的一些亮点是,有多少人说万圣节晚餐在修剪频率(我同意这是一个不容错过的),any of the sandwiches from Reynolds Campus,Lobster Bisque ("I swear they had it once!"),当旅游厨师系列引入一个澳大利亚人,他们提供袋鼠。

尽管我很快就被一大堆问题的答案所淹没,it just went to show how many options we really do have and how everyone's taste buds can be satisfied.I won't lie,as a senior,四年后,事情变得有点累了。这让我更兴奋地获得创意(披萨百吉饼创意的道具),并尝试在该地区的更多餐厅:我目前最喜欢的不是你的普通乔氏面包——优秀的面包,great food,大学预算不贵。

This idea came from one of my fellow interns here in Admissions: to shake things up,你不用在校园里使用你的用餐计划就可以走很久。He is correct in noting that there are so many events that serve free food you may not have to break out your ONECard for quite awhile.在商学院,人们总是希望对他们的新商业理念有自己的看法——不缺少专门的小组,他们会用食物贿赂你,只是为了听听你的想法。利用这一点。

I will leave you with the link to the beplay官网体育Babson Dining Services website:http://www.beplay官网体育babsondining.com/index.html.Feel free to explore and write back with what you think I should have for dinner later;我正在进行调查。