Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/Defining Your beplay官网体育Babson


One more week before Spring Break!随着上半学期的结束,人们仍然很忙。Everyone is finishing up midterms and papers as the anticipation of vacation looms.

Being a senior,关于我在巴布森的时间,我有很多问题要问。beplay官网体育What I got out of it,what I liked,what I didn't like,and what I would have done differently.All of these are popular topics for discussion with not just aunts,叔叔,and others of the like,but among my peers as well.As I prepare for the homestretch of my college experience,我列出了离开校园前我想做的所有事情。Some of these are things like,making a commitment to attend more speaker events and others,things in the area that I want to make sure I experience.Going to Boston Bowl is on the list, as is playing frisbee on the Upper Fields at midnight one last time.名单真的在不断增加。

我知道,在即将到来的休息之后的一段时间会很忙,我可能没有时间做任何我想做的事情,but I'm gonna try!!!