Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/定义你的宝贝beplay官网体育


从星期天晚上开始。All of the students received an email from the school informing us that classes were cancelled for Monday.Thank you Hurricane Sandy!However,upon waking up Monday morning,我听到狂风拍打我的窗户。My RA called an emergency meeting where she informed us that the entire campus was to close and we were advised to stay inside until further notice.beplay官网体育Babson dining staff did an amazing job ensuring that we had enough food to take back to our rooms with us for lunch and dinner.

Since I was stuck inside all day,我和我所有的宿舍同伴都看到了朋友和现代家庭的重播!从学校工作中退一步真是太棒了,实习申请,努力放松!I started feeling the Cabin Fever about halfway through the day.能再次走出去真好!我很感激我们没有失去权力,巴布森的每个人都很安全。beplay官网体育My heart goes out to those in places that were hit harder.感谢您的公共安全,危机应对小组,the rest of the administration,巴布森·beplay官网体育拉斯为了保护我们的安全而没完没了地工作!
