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Staying Organized

保持井然有序通常是一件重要的事情。It is extremely important when you live my life.这学期我在我的女生联谊会执行董事会和初级执行董事会任职,在游泳队,在俱乐部的癌症学院和一个FME导师。(Are you as exhausted from hearing that as I am listing it?) Not only am I extremely involved,I also have to go to class!Now I am definitely not the only on campus who has a life like this.beplay官网体育巴布森的学生通常都参与其中。我们如何做到这一切,是通过保持有条理。

I am not the most organized person in the world,但这学期我努力保持组织性。现在,这是我这学期的计划,要把所有事情都搞清楚。

1.有一个计划员:A planner is a great way to keep everything organized.Between meetings and homework,一切都在里面。I also have a couple of copies of my calendar.我用谷歌日历来保存世界上最伟大的重要事件。You can access the calendar from any computer with internet.这意味着只要你在电脑旁,你就能看到日历。谷歌日历还可以连接到智能手机。This means if I put something in the Google calendar it will end up in my phone and vice versa.Now even on they go I can access my calendar.

2。Make To Do lists:现在这有时看起来很愚蠢,但他们是一个拥抱救生员!These allow me to think about what I need to get done and write it all down.After everything is down,I am able to prioritize what I need to do.会议和硬件往往是第一位的,当事情像,clean room tend to go to the bottom.(However if I know my parents are coming to visit,cleaning my room becomes priority number one.待办事项列表也很好,因为它可以让你在完成任务时把它们划掉。我和我的朋友们发现,没有什么比把要做的事情划掉更能让我们感到成就感的了。

3.Know When to Say No: Last year this was kind of a hard thing for me,因为我想做每件事,帮助每一个人。然而,做每件事都是不可能的。It is okay to say no every once and a while because you are busy.如果你因为必须做的事情而感到压力,再加一件事会使压力增加更多。
