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Interview Season: Taking Advantage of your Resources

Although I have two years left in my beplay官网体育Babson career,我是个策划人,so I am already thinking about the next steps for life after beplay官网体育Babson.实习搜索正在加强,面试就在拐角处。I am thrilled to get started and explore my options.Now that applications are submitted and interview decisions are happening,I am playing the waiting game.但是当我等待的时候,我可以做很多事情来确保我已经准备好了。

我将利用我的教授们。I will go into office hours and chat with my accounting professor because she knows exactly what accounting firms are looking for.She will hopefully share her insight from when she was a partner at an accounting firm.I also will be talking to my former organizational behavior professor because she has so much experience interviewing people and know the small behavioral things that will turn employers off.

Another great resource is the Center for Career Development.I can schedule an appointment to do a mock interview.当我到达办公室时,他们会像我在公司面试一样欢迎我,我们会进行一次完整的面试,当我进行真正的面试时,我可能会遇到一些问题。After it has concluded they will give me feedback on both things I need to work on and things that I do well.

There is one more resource that is very important,but a lot of people forget about.那是你的朋友!You are bound to know someone that has interned at the company you are interested in or even works there now.我将与我的朋友们联系,他们对我面试的公司有经验。not just so I can have connections,但这样我就可以对公司有一种感觉,如果它对我合适的话。

对我来说,实习和找工作最重要的部分就是找到一家我会感到兴奋和自豪的公司。I plan on making this happen by taking advantage of the abundant resources beplay官网体育Babson offers its students.