Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/职业发展


This beplay官网体育post was written by Natalie Cullings,2014级。

If the words coding,游戏化,启动,设计,or hacking mean something to you,then克朗楚,TechCrunch的在线学习学院,对你绝对有用。对科技产业了解不多?别担心,这所在线“大学”是一个很好的起点。Modules are taught by respected experts in the field and you can develop skills that will significantly increase your value to an employer.

Here are just a few examples of the awesome classes you can take:


-Become an iOS Developer from Scratch


-Creating Responsive Web Design


Perhaps the best part of CrunchU is that these classes fit around your schedule.You can take them 24/7 and stop and resume at your will.然而,scheduling a certain time in your schedule to devote to these classes per week will keep you on task.

如果你的技术水平已经提高了,look for classes that will improve your weakest (or nonexistent skills).If you're a beginner,developing specific tech skills can serve as the initial experience you need in order to land a relevant internship and really get your foot into the door of the industry.

One more thing–克朗楚is free.What more could you want?