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The Ultimate Challenge: Registration

Although it may seem like the fall semester just started,下学期的课程注册已经开始!Organizing the perfect spring schedule takes sacrifices,计划和一点点运气。Narrowing down the numerous options to just four or five classes per semester forces students to really prioritize what they are interested in taking.I think the biggest problem with registration is that there are so many interesting classes offered it is a struggle to decide exactly which classes I would be interested in and would learn the most from.

当然,there is some structure added when you are considering the classes that are necessary for your concentration.In order to gain a concentration,你必须选择四个你可以从更大的列表中选择的特定类,which is available on the beplay官网体育Babson website.加入必要的课程,如解决战略问题,也帮助我缩小了我的日程安排。但后来我发现自己在思考,我还想上其他课吗?Do I want to overload and take five classes so I can take advantage of all the classes beplay官网体育Babson has to offer?或者我会觉得自己不知所措?

This is where friends can be very helpful.They have probably either taken a class you are considering or know someone who has.他们能准确地告诉你从教授那里能得到什么,以及你能得到什么。在过去的几周里,浏览课程列表已经成为一种习惯,since it was made available to students in October.  Also,class deans are specialized in helping students plan schedules that will help them get the most out of their beplay官网体育Babson experience,不会因为工作而陷入困境。I have sat down with my dean to plan my schedule many times as I have seen my interests changing and I discover different classes that may be interesting.By sorting out my goals and considering the other activities I am involved in I have created a schedule that is both exciting and demanding.