Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/Career Development

Entrepreneurship on Fire

This past week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend Bostinno's "50 on Fire" Event in Boston through beplay官网体育Babson,one of the event's main sponsors.The event brings together many of Boston's top entrepreneurs representing a wide range of professions.The event was a great way to showcase Boston's innovative spirit and meet some extraordinary people.

beplay官网体育Babson was well represented at the event including the marketing department,members of the administration,underbeplay官网地址graduate and graduate students,and 15 beplay官网体育Babson community members who made up the group of finalists at the event.

I personally talked with several beplay官网体育Babson alumni including the co-founder of Brooklyn Boulders from Somerville.I also had the opportunity to spend time with some incredible beplay官网体育Babson underbeplay官网地址graduates that I had not met before.The event really showcased how the beplay官网体育Babson community has a far reaching impact and a willingness to reach out and offer support to others who are connected to Babson.
beplay官网体育Babson on Fire