大学生博客beplay官网地址/Defining Your beplay官网体育Babson



How do I spend my 168 hours each week at beplay官网体育Babson?他们肯定打包了!

Every day I am running from activity to activity,defining my beplay官网体育Babson experience.Whether I'm going from class to practice or hanging out with my friends in Trim Dining Hall,I constantly remember the importance of organizing my time.Whether it is in my written planner or my Gmail calendar,它都写下来了(通常在两个地方)。I have a pretty stable weekly routine: four classes,work,实践中,和我的朋友们出去玩。But there are other things that tend to pop up,which is what makes things more interesting.下个星期,例如,I will be completing three take home midterms (yay),attending a program where my friends will be teaching us how to make a couple of different pasta dishes and work on my final project for my trip to Ghana.我发现如果我写下我的工作并在我的日历上为它指定时间,it is much easier to make sure I get everything done,为我的朋友腾出时间。Even though my calendar looks quite packed,我总是有时间和我的朋友们出去玩,从巴布森学生疯狂的日常日程中休息一下。beplay官网体育Even though there is a lot on the calendar,I like it that way.Each of my 168 hours every week is interesting and fun.