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这篇文章是beplay官网体育妮可·卡地亚14岁写的,CCD Peer Career Ambassador

雇主花不到十秒钟的时间看你的简历。..yes,I will say that again;less than ten seconds are spent reviewing your resume.所以,how do you make your resume stand out?How do you make your past experiences look their best on paper?答案是:工作,rework,并且不断地修改你的要点,直到它们是最强大的。


1。你的附加值是多少?你可能一次又一次听到这个,但让它告诉你一些事情。Your value add is what you contributed to the organization through the task that you are highlighting in each bullet point.如果任务是团队导向的,你必须为团队的发展和成就提供什么?重新措辞。..

  • So what?What difference did you make through your work?In the recruiter's eyes: what can you do for their company?Past experience is the best indicator of future performanceàtrue for behavioral interviewing and applicable here,too.

2.Make every action verb count.After a visit with a CCD advisor or PCA,you should know that every bullet point needs to start with an action verb.Chances are these are the words recruiters are taking note of as they scan your resume.我对这些动词的建议是尽可能地反映你所从事的行业的语言。

  • 例如:对会计感兴趣?Try using ‘audited' instead of ‘reviewed,' if it fits.做简单的工作听起来不错。

三。Get to the point.解释你做了什么,但过度的任务阐述是不必要的。If employers want to know more,they'll ask.你所做的应该是清楚的,用“简单的英语”,但几句话就足够了。

When you think you've got these down,把你的简历带到CCD上(霍利斯特106)。and somebody awesome will be happy to take a look and offer even more advice.期待很快与您见面?