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As beplay官网体育Babson students,教职员工,我们吃东西,呼吸和睡眠是一种创业精神。我们知道,这种心态包含了一种生活方式,这种生活方式使我们在追求任何目标时都能获得成功。它让我们不断地有创造力,对我们经历和成长中的每一次失败都心存感激。As the semester comes to an end,我忍不住思考并将巴布森的思维方式与作家伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特的泰德成功演讲联系起来,beplay官网体育失败和继续创建的驱动器。The drive to keep creating in the face of failure comes from what she calls home:

Your home is whatever in this world you love more than you love yourself.所以这可能是创造力,可能是家人,可能是发明,冒险,faith,服务,它可能是在升起Corgis,我不知道,你的家就是这样一个东西,你可以将你的精力投入到这个东西上,以如此独特的奉献精神,最终的结果变得无关紧要。

对她来说,home is writing.作为的作者吃,Pray,爱情she talks about the years leading up to her success that were filled with rejection.Her journey continued with a follow-up to the highly successful吃,Pray,爱情这让她很快又失败了。她学会了把拒绝排除在外,把注意力集中在她非常喜欢做的事情上:写作。无论结果是成功还是失败,她都会不断地写作和写作,这并不重要。Her home is writing.

There are countless external influences as you navigate the path through your college years.家庭,朋友,classes,faculty,staff,同事,and supervisors all have some sort of direct or indirect impact on your journey as you determine what your first pursuit will be upon graduating from beplay官网体育Babson.Yes,它只是许多失败和成功的第一站——学习和成长的第一站。别忘了你所谓的家。

In Elizabeth's words,"It's all going to be okay."