

拥有大量的工作和实习岗位,beplay官网体育源源不断的雇主访问CCD采访学生,我的日程安排满了与学生的约会,他们在寻找提高面试技巧的方法,我想让你注意到一个很好的机会。Next Wednesday,March 11,早上7:30,beplay官网体育Babson's Alumni Office will be hosting Babson entrepreneur and author,尼尔·贝迪耶夫,09岁,谁将分享他最近一本书中的实用和可操作的提示?-小白银书-采访。他的建议将有助于求职者和实习者获得成功,采访期间和之后。


更多信息,and to register,点击here.当前学生可以使用折扣代码学习10to receive free admission to the event.活动期间,图书可按13美元购买。我问尼尔是否愿意分享他对面试的看法,please see guest blog below.


除此之外,know that CCD has a variety of interviewing resources.职业梁(通过枢纽,你的学生门户)是一个很棒的在线资源,available 24X7.职业之光提供了对雇主面试观点的洞察,sample interview questions,company research,and the opportunity to record and practice a virtual interview.此外,CCD's Career Advisers are here to help you prepare for interviews and are happy to conduct practice mock interviews with you and provide feedback on your areas of strengths and challenges.我们拥有丰富的专业背景,经验丰富。CCD最近还推出了新的AIA(校友行业顾问)计划,这就把工业界的校友带到我们的办公室来,和你们见面,做同样的事。You can sign up for an Advising Appointment or upcoming AIA on beplay官网体育Babson Career Connections (also accessed through the枢纽)Take advantage of these resources right at your fingertips!

Guest Blog by Neil Berdiev,DNB咨询公司创始合伙人和小白银书-采访



如果你问公司招聘人员,消除求职者的关键原因之一是什么,the answer may surprise you with its simplicity – it is the candidates' failure to follow instructions.There is nothing worse than wasting hours of your time applying and then being rejected for missing a minimum GPA,一定程度的教育,关键所需经验,or a professional certification to qualify.当您在应用程序流程的早期错过了基础知识时,你很可能会向招聘团队发出不注意细节的信号,没有组织,或者不重视人们的时间(更不用说你的时间)。两者都不好,尤其是当一个组织需要顶尖人才时。The process tends to be less forgiving of more junior candidatesOR对于需求较高的工作,有许多优秀的候选人在竞选。

I led a career coaching panel a few weeks ago.A recruiter on the panel emphasized the following:

  • 遵循应用说明
  • Ensure that you meet minimum qualification requirements
  • Understand what it is that you are applying for

当然,some of us do not take no for an answer.如果你的资历接近要求,或者你能证明你的背景仍然使你有资格获得这个机会,make sure you communicate this message clearly.You may want to communicate through a well-written cover letter.您可能希望通过网络成员传递此消息。当你和招聘团队的成员交谈时,你应该主动解决这个问题。仅仅是申请并期望最好的结果是行不通的。正如我从我的导师那里多次听到的那样,希望不是一种策略!

Another great pet peeve of corporate recruiters is the lack of preparation.许多公司认真对待员工的招聘。他们希望你也这样做。Knowledge of the industry,at least on some essential level,是必需的。It is true that when you have limited work experience and may not know what you want to do long-term,applying to companies in different industries can mean quite a few industry reports to sift through.除了行业报告外,you may be reading about the company,滚动浏览年度报告,研究新闻,looking at employee and customer ratings,and,我最喜欢的,在公司内部开发您的网络。Yes,这很费时,但这是对成功人士的期望和追求。我们可能不喜欢这些期望,但必须理解它们,并努力满足和超越它们。你对工作或实习的竞争越激烈,你得准备得越多。

我的一位公司招聘员朋友为一家全国性公司管理招聘职能。她最近完成了他们实习项目的招聘季。该项目竞争激烈,超过50名申请者申请了该项目的每一个名额。在她把名单缩小到几百名通过资格预审的候选人之后,她的队淘汰了超过三分之一的队员!在电话屏幕上,不知道公司到底做了什么,以及整个行业是什么。Think of it this way – when it is highly competitive,在一个更强大的经济体中,招聘团队有几分钟甚至几秒钟的时间来确定候选人的规模,当场做出决定,and move to the next one.There is something to ponder about…

最后,hiring managers regularly encounter candidates who think that they are so good at adapting to circumstances that they can wing talking about a prospective employer's business model and its industry.唉,招聘团队可以看穿这种行为。你想雇一个不准备的人吗?尤其是重要会议?I rest my case.