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写求职信?Here's Why You Should Avoid Google

作为巴布森学院的写作中心顾问,beplay官网体育I proofread a wide variety of writing pieces: analytical essays,小说作品,以及专业资产简历和求职信。Recently,I have been working with many of these professional assets (specifically cover letters),我注意到大学生们正在失去分数。经常,学生们只是在谷歌搜索求职信模板,and they are essentially "plugging and chugging" their information into these templates.虽然这个过程更简单,学生们错过了一个机会,用一份书面文件来展示他们的声音和个性,使自己与众不同。作为顾问,my job is to challenge their preconceived notions of cover letters so that the students can produce better content.


1) Don't Restate Your Name:这可能看起来很小,but this takes away space: space that is crucial due to the universally accepted one page restriction.A recruiter can easily gain this information from a properly formatted header (note: typically the header is consistent between the cover letter and resume).

2)避免干燥进入:学生们通常不愿在求职信中加入创意元素,因为他们认为求职信应该是严格和正式的谬论。然而,this is a grave mistake as a cover letter can double as a writing sample: candidates can use a cover letter to showcase their writing capabilities.不要害怕添加一些创造性的元素,因为这些技巧可以使你的求职信既独特又令人难忘。

干入口: My name is Timothy James Curley,我是巴布森学院的大二学生,对体育行业的工作很感兴beplay官网体育趣。

啮合入口: My childhood days were spent playing baseball late into the summer nights and football upon a fresh blanket of snow.从事体育运动是我身份的一个组成部分,and this core belief creates a desire to work in the sports industry.

3)纳入公司价值观:大多数学生会将公司的价值观和理念融入求职信中,but many often wait until the final paragraph,这并不能充分发挥效力。这些要素应纳入整个字母中。在写求职信之前,学生应该研究公司的使命宣言,值,还有柱子,which can typically be found on the company's history page.Once these elements are identified,学生应选择与他们产生共鸣的价值观和理念,并将其纳入课文。

Incorporated Mission:激发我的热情,引导我现有的技能,我完全有信心能够协助葡萄园葡萄藤的使命,确保每个客户的一天都能感受到这一点——关注优质产品和个人服务。

4) Refrain from Listing:最重要的是,这是我能给学生的最重要的建议。候选人不应把简历翻译成段落格式,基本上要列出简历要点。This is a shortsighted mistake because the students might be saving time,但他们错过了展示更多信息的机会,这有助于加强他们的候选资格。一个有效的求职信段落应该集中在一个特定的工作经验和展示一个特定的技能。学生可以使用star框架的情况来制定这些段落,任务,Action,and Result—for a specific experience.该框架允许学生充分分析经验并推断相关技能。而且,this format creates a narrative.

STAR Framework:通过浓缩过程,商业分析的案例研究,我参与了一项合作任务,创建一个精确的统计模型来预测债券价格。最初,我简化了从各种资源中收集的数据,以获得一个可行的测试集。这需要数据库研究和必要的预测器识别。经过这一全面的步骤,我使用两种形式的统计软件生成了模型:r-studio和xlminer。我用来寻找最优模型的三个统计模型是k-最近邻。多元线性回归,以及回归树。Through over twenty iterations,我创建了一个最佳模型,该模型产生了.98%的误差,相当于1.012美元的RMSE——预测价格将最大规避1.01美元的实际价格。该建模工作详细说明了执行数据分析所需的大量准备工作,and this experience augmented the theoretical frameworks of supervised learning that were explored in class.

5)别忘了你自己。:通过求职信,students make the argument that they are a viable candidate for a position based on their existing skillset.而且,学生们强调他们可以为公司增加的价值。然而,学生们经常忘记提到在这家公司工作会给他们带来的好处。总的来说,a job is created so that an individual can create value for a company,但也创造了一份工作,使个人能够成长,develop,学习。学生的求知欲是招聘者在求职者中寻找的一个宝贵特征;therefore,students should find a way to highlight the benefits they would receive from the employer.

把你带进来:认识到财务和统计工作之间的协同关系,I conceive this position as a means to delve into the next competency of my professional development: a focus on finances and data analytics.此外,I hope to gain invaluable knowledge from the extensive mentorship program offered to interns.

共同地,这五个建议可以帮助大学生或任何职业人士改进求职信,从而增加他们找到工作的可能性。总的来说,I encourage you to not forget the power of a cover letter as you embark on your next career search!