

实习时遇到的一个困难是我在国外,不仅仅是任何地方,I was in Israel!  If you have ever been to Israel and even if you have not,你应该知道以色列是个美丽的国家。地中海沿岸国家北部的一个沿海城市。这意味着在我想要探索这个国家、去海滩和实习/工作之间,存在着一种持续的内部冲突。this conflict was resolved in the first week of work.  My CEO let me work from 9am to 2pm,allowing me time to go to theoffice下班后海滩。此外,my CEO and I had very good communication.I was always welcome to stay later to work when needed and my CEO told me that I didn't need to be in the office as long as I felt that I was accomplishing projects and contributing to the company.  While communication is important in any work environment I believe it is even more necessary when interning in a foreign country.  My CEO knew I wanted to see the country,所以当我请了一天假来提前开始周末的小假期时,he had no objections.  That weekend I went to Eilat,南部的一个城市,就在红海上。此外,since I expressed to my CEO that I was interested in learning more about Haifa he gave me a tour of Haifa and the surrounding cities along with the history.  While it can be intimidating to ask your supervisor,or in my case the CEO,对于一天的休假或与工作无关的事情,最好是直截了当。这就是为什么我在Snapchat上的所有朋友都认为我从来没有工作过。事实上,我做了大量的工作,但我有令人惊奇的时间,使我能够经常去海滩和旅行。