

我是WCP最年轻的实习生,possibly the youngest they have ever had.Everyone else including the interns were at least 21 years old while the analysts even had almost 10 years on me.一开始我是最年轻的,也是球队最新的成员,他们不愿意坐下来教我很多东西。我被分配了非常简单/平凡的工作,随着时间的推移,我通过尝试和错误学到了一些东西。最后,我得到了一些信任,并被分配了更多的分析工作。Through this time however other interns helped me and told me about their experience when they first started.We helped each other out and I came full circle when an intern joined just before I was leaving.He appreciated me telling him about the small details and tricks that are useful when completing working in a time pressured environment.起初,我认为和其他实习生一起工作可能不是一个好主意,因为这可能会导致我学习的更少;however it turned out to be a great experience where we helped teach other things.