大学生博客beplay官网地址/Defining Your beplay官网体育Babson


Students at beplay官网体育Babson always joke about the "Babson Bubble" and how the students here are always thinking about what is going on on campus but not necessarily off.I think the opposite is true as well.Many of my friends and family do not really understand what is happening on campus either.And the more I think about it,我越是认识到巴布森大学是如此独特,以至于我们经常beplay官网体育有自己的语言。This language barrier can be really tough when trying to talk about your beplay官网体育Babson experience,which I have been doing a lot lately as I look for a job.因此,我认为有一个简短的术语表是很有帮助的。缩略语that beplay官网体育Babson students tend to use.

ASM:这是巴布森大学的一门高级必修课,通常是面向高年级学生。beplay官网体育but some sophomores take as well.The course is called Strategic Problem Solving but since the course code is ASM,所有的学生都叫它asm

FME:This is a required first year course that lasts all year.FME stands for Foundations in Management and Entrepreneurship

SME:Is a sequence of sophomore classes.SME stands for Sophomore Management Experience.这也取代了OEM和MCE。

ET&A: This is a concept that is taught in the beplay官网体育Babson curriculum that is thrown around a lot when someone is being creative or needs to creatively solve a problem



MAC:Part of the SME sequence.这是管理会计课

TOM:Part of the SME sequence.It is the Operations Class

创新中心:位于公园庄园西,是校园内的一座新建筑。It is a space built to encourage innovation in first years for FME.

CLTP:A beplay官网体育Babson sponsored program that all students take part of for FME and ASM.它代表指导和领导力培训计划
