大学生博客beplay官网地址/Career Development


在这个季节最冷的暴风雨中(到目前为止!)上周在校园里打我们,本周开始下暴雨,现在是时候开始考虑暖炉了,晴朗的几个月。Wherever you are this winter break,I hope you are catching up on some well-deserved sleep,time with family and friends,充分利用你的时间为2016年春夏做准备!

加速器网络Summer experiences come in all shapes and sizes,包括旅行,在家里做家族生意,暑期课程,volunteering,实习,以及广泛的项目,举几个例子。For many,这可能是开发或推进商业理念的最佳时机。提供建议的机会,指导,专业服务,funding,办公空间和更多似乎每年都在增长。如果这激起了你的兴趣,把加速器程序的想法扔到漏斗里去!下面是一些值得细细咀嚼的东西。Perhaps this summer might be the right time to start on that business idea,or to bring your business to the next level!

Butler Accelarator Summer Venture Program @ beplay官网体育Babson:这是一次为期10周的校园密集体验,旨在加速Babson最有前途的学生创业项目的发展,beplay官网体育奥林工程学院和韦尔斯利学院。提前应付款截止日期2月19日和定期应付款截止日期3月25日。

Summer@Highland:由Highland Capital Partners运营的创业项目旨在为学生创办人提供环境和资源,使他们的初创企业在夏季提升到下一个水平。This year's deadlines have not been announced,但给你一个想法,去年的最后期限是3月1日,为早起鸟申请;and March 29 for Regular Applications.

TechStars Summer Programs: A global ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs to bring new technologies to market wherever they choose to build their business.全球有18个导师驱动的加速器项目,Techstars exists to support the world's most promising entrepreneurs throughout their lifelong journey.Ap Deadlines for TechStars Mobility,TechStars Atlanta,和TechStars零售-所有3月20日。

MassChallenge Accelerator:为期4个月的加速器项目,拥有世界一流的指导和培训,免费办公空间,access to funding,media and more.任何高冲击,early-stage startup from anywhere,在任何行业。Early bird application deadline March 4;regular application deadline April 2.

beplay官网体育巴布森分手了: A competition and mentoring program that promotes gender parity while championing women entrepreneurs and aspiring venture capitalists.The Challenge finalists—6 women-led startups and 6 venture capital apprentices—will receive 6 weeks of intensive mentoring from top thought-leaders.The program will culminate with a final pitch showcase on March 30,2016。分拆后将以25万美元的资金和品牌识别平台奖励获奖的初创企业,同时,还为表现最好的风险投资学徒提供暑期实习机会。申请截止日期:1月15日(本周!).

Y组合器:Twice a year,Y Combinator selects promising startups in which to invest.These startups move to Silicon Valley for three months, during which time they work intensively with startups to get the company into the best shape possible.每个周期以一个称为演示日的事件结束,在这里,初创企业向观众展示了世界上最顶尖的初创企业投资者。Summer cycle application deadlines not yet announced,但通常发生在三月份的某个时候。