Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/职业发展

Why You Should Consider a Sales Career

Did you know that Business Development/Sales is the number two career function for beplay官网体育Babson beplay官网地址graduates?Yes,that's right,我们有17%的学生在2015年走上了这条路,我们对2016年的早期观察也显示出同样的趋势。所以我问你……你是否考虑过销售职业?

如果没有,I am going to guess you feel sales it too "used car salesman" or not a real business career.然而,I would challenge both of these thoughts after having spent 10 years in sales myself.所以让我分享一些你可能不知道的关于销售的事情:

  • 这一切都是关于建立关系。您有机会与客户建立令人惊叹的关系,并真正努力寻找适合其业务或自我的解决方案。
  • They come with lucrative salary opportunities.你负责你的薪水-你工作越努力,赚的越多。
  • 满足你的竞争欲望。Whether you were an athlete,喜欢挑战或与自己竞争,这个职业道路中的角色允许你达到目标并超越目标。
  • Opportunity for rapid career growth/learning.作为企业的创收者,companies tend to focus a lot of the training and professional development resources on the sales organizations.This can translate into faster upward mobility when utilized and applied.

Keep in mind,每天你在你的个人和职业生活中销售。你有没有说服你的朋友去尝试一家新餐馆或对你的新商业理念感兴趣?这两个都是使用销售概念的简单示例。这一概念在我个人最喜欢的一本“销售”书中得到了强调,To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Othersby Daniel Pink.这是一个伟大的阅读任何方向,你期待与你的事业。
