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My Work with a Non-Profit

我叫Morgan Kuehnle,今年夏天我参加了哈特福德YWCA Hartford地区的实习。康涅狄格。I am a rising junior at beplay官网体育Babson College,an RA for the first year area living learning communities (Living Entrepreneurship and Living Social Change),CWEL学者,巴布森女子橄榄球队的一名队员。beplay官网体育

在巴布森职业发展中心的支持下,我参加了今beplay官网体育年夏天在YWCA Hartford地区的实习。作为他们的任务国,"YWCA Hartford Region is dedicated to eliminating racism,empowering women and promoting peace,正义,自由,and dignity for all." YWCA is a nonprofit organization that runs different programs and events in order to provide women in the Hartford area with the support they need.这些项目和活动包括幼儿教育中心,紧急和支持住房,为妇女提供金融讲习班以提高妇女的金融素养而举行的货币会议,Volunteer Income Tax Assistance which provides low income tax filers with free income tax preparation,YW职业女性,为希望上大学和建立职业生涯的女性提供帮助,以及致力于帮助年轻女性建立个人领导风格的年轻女性领导团队。这么小的队伍,YWCA provides a lot of assistance for women of all ages in this area.

我在这次实习中扮演的角色是协助市场经理完成市场营销任务,为秋季即将到来的活动做准备。I will also be providing some assistance with the Young Women's Leadership Corps Summer Institute by conducting leadership activities and team building initiatives.在我刚开始的几周里,我已经开始回顾诸如年度报告和社交媒体之类的事情,以便为YWCA Hartford地区正在寻求的营销改进提供一些新的视角。这个快节奏的环境为我提供了大量的工作项目,每天都有很多值得期待的事情。

My future blog beplay官网体育posts will provide updates on the projects I'm working on,lessons I'm learning,and any challenges I may face.I'm excited to work with this amazing organization and experience what it's like to work in the non-profit environment.