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My Final Weeks

Today was my last day with the Melanoma Foundation of New England.I had an awesome experience with my first internship.整个办公室都很好相处,and I would recommend it to anyone looking for non-profit experience.During the last few weeks the three interns started to fall into more defined roles.In the beginning we were all managing many different duties,but by the end one of us specialized in a financial role,another was more sales/customer service oriented,我倾向于使用防晒霜分配器。能够在一开始就扮演所有角色是件好事,but as we started to specialize we noticed how we could get more work done.

Our final task was to write a business plan for the Practice Safe Skin sunscreen dispenser program.幸运的是,we were no strangers to business plans because of beplay官网体育Babson's FME course.The business plan was a fulfilling achievement for me.It acted a capstone to my time with the Foundation.It made me feel like I was at least somewhat responsible for how the program would grow after my time with the foundation had ended.

我希望新英格兰黑素瘤基金会继续发展,并与社区合作。I am sure that I will still work with them in the future,但现在是我继续我的教育和回到巴布森生活的时候了。beplay官网体育