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The World Domination Summit

beplay官网体育Ryan Elcock’18发布

多亏了本科生专业加速器基金,我有机会参beplay官网地址加备受认可的“世界统治峰会”:在俄勒冈州波特兰市举行的年度会议,会议本身就是非传统人士的终极会议;作为巴布森学院的全日制学生,beplay官网体育这听起来很像是在我的胡同里。The conference took place over the course of 5 days,but the focal point of the convention occurred over the weekend in which a series of main stage TED-style speakers touched on topics that included ideas surrounding fear and the discovery of the true meaning of happiness.Interstitial group activities also took place throughout the conference which were led by attendees of the summit,and they included lessons on everything from self-guided meditation to how to live a well-balanced life out of a van.

Overall,我认为这次会议提供了一个自我反省的好机会,因为它迫使每个人都对生活中通常不会投入太多精力的某些方面提出质疑。这次活动的一个主要焦点是让自己摆脱自我强加的恐惧和局限:这个想法我花了很多时间在商业和我在巴布森的职业生涯中与之斗争。beplay官网体育I have总是been a firm believer in the idea that the only limitations are the ones that we accept as a reality,这次会议的发言者们通过他们在现实世界中所采取的行动,在重申这一概念方面做了大量的工作——无论是辞掉工作去周游世界,continuing to live a thriving life after the death of a spouse,或者在残废的生活中获得成功。

Another dominant focus of the summit was examining the process through which we find happiness – and something that struck me was what Jonathan Fields,“美好生活”项目的创建者,had to say about how the physiology of happiness.During his speech Jonathan mentioned that "it's not the reality that shapes us,it's the lens through which your brain views the world which shapes your reality – thus,happiness is not predicted by your external world,但是相反,它是通过你的大脑如何看待外部世界来预测的”。我认为这是一个相当普遍的信念,成功的公式是:努力工作会带来更多的成功,然后会带来幸福,而事实恰恰相反。The problem with the previous view is that every time you experience a success,the goal beplay官网体育posts for what it means to succeed are moved – making the target on the other side of "more success" nearly impossible to achieve and sustain.专注于改变当前幸福水平的想法对我看待世界的方式产生了巨大的影响——通过感激和反思,making it a point to find more happiness in the present has led to a noticeable increase in my day to day happiness.最终,我认为,世界主宰峰会辜负了它的声誉,周末所分享的非传统思想和想法无疑帮助我改变了我每天看待世界的方式。