Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/职业发展

Invisible Pressures for Seniors


Many of my fellow senior friends have been coming to me and voicing their worries about not being able to find a job…and it's only early October.当我尽力消除他们的恐惧时,I am also breaking a little under all of these Invisible Pressures.

"Invisible Pressures" is a term I use to define those goals that exists in the back of everyone's mind,but are defined differently for each person.这些目标来自社会压力,high expectations of yourself,或者其他一些看不见的,可能不会大声说出的期望。These are definitely real struggles that add additional stress to the job search process,but in this blog,I will try my best to explain how I manage these invisible pressures.


  • Competition:很多人认为随着职位的增加,there will be fewer "good" positions available.This is not true at all.Different companies and industries have different recruiting timelines.A fit for another student might not be a fit for you.
  • Senior Year:老年人希望在没有找到全职工作的巨大压力的情况下,放松并真正“享受”他们的高年级。
  • 假期:going home to face family,大家庭,在餐桌上的朋友问你是否找到了工作。
  • "Prestigious" Job Offer:每个人都有不同的声望定义,but don't let society or your family/friends define prestigious because they will not be the one doing the job for 40+ hours a week.你应该考虑一下你对声望的定义;think about what you enjoy and what will make you happy.Stick to your values!


步骤1: Identifyyour Invisible Pressures.
Step 2:尝试理解where these pressures are coming from.了解它们将帮助您确定它们是否真正重要,以及如何计划下一步行动。
Step 3: Talk关于他们的人。来找一位职业顾问,他可以指导资源并给你进一步的建议。

我无形的压力之一就是在家附近找一份稳定的工作,这样我就能养活父母。作为第一代的学生,他们将是第一个拥有传统工作的人,I am afraid to disappoint myself and my family.I want to show that my parent's sacrafice was worth it.

Everyone has their own Invisible Pressures,whether it's about the job search or not.对我们无形的压力感到压力和沮丧是正常的,但请记住,在我们毕业前还有七个月。beplay官网地址Remember that you do not have to please anyone else,but yourself.一句总是给我希望的话:“当事情发生的时候,它就会发生。”要有耐心,准备抓住机会。