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Invisible Pressures for Seniors

This beplay官网体育post was written by Peer Career Ambassador,黄顺平17岁。我的许多老朋友都来找我,表达他们对找不到工作的担忧……现在才10月初。While I try my best to calm their fears,I am also breaking a little under…

How My Values Have Changed and Developed at YWCA

When I first joined the YWCA Hartford Region team I was anxious to dive into the non-profit world and discover if the non-profit environment was right for me.我很重视这里的员工为增强妇女的能力和消除种族主义所提出的积极想法。伴随着他们的使命,我相信YWCA提供公平的热情…


The Value of a Mentor

More than a month has passed since I began my internship.It has been an unforgettable experience.Not only have I learned valuable lessons in the business,marketing,生活方式我从课堂或课本中学不到的领域,I have learned the value of a mentor.我有幸在暗处…