Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/定义你的宝贝beplay官网体育


beplay官网体育作者:Alyssa Wu'17

On Saturday,9月24日,我参加了波士顿数据节:数据科学日。Concentrating in business analytics,I wanted the experience of being immersed in workshops of experienced analytics experts and to take the learning outside of the classroom.Attending one of three days of the Boston Data Festival not only gave me an insight into how analytics is actually used in multiple companies,but also presented career opportunities for me.在波士顿数据节上,there is a career fair.这里有一个专业的建议:你选择参加就提交你的简历,因为雇主希望聘用你!A week before the data festival,我接到了一个来自CVS Health分析团队的招聘人员的电话,要求在数据节上采访我。这不可能是一个更完美的时机,因为在过去的几周里,我一直在申请和面试全职工作,还有一个机会很容易就出现了。

The big day: The data festival is located at the Microsoft New England Research and Development Center,a very casual and innovative atmosphere.At the data festival,有一些专家就各种有趣的场景进行了会谈和技术研讨会。During the workshops,我注意到我可能是房间里最年轻的人。Initially,I was a little intimidated,但在问答过程中,我意识到与会者有和我一样的问题:你的商业模式是什么?How exactly does your company make revenue from providing seemingly free analysis to consumers?And more.One of the workshops I attended was "Buy or Wait?Consumer-friendly Airfare prediction" given by the chief data scientist of Hopper.Hopper分析航班以做出航班预测,并分享了他的团队用于对其移动应用程序做出这些预测和建议的一些预测分析。在这次研讨会上,I learned not only how some of the analysis works to predict airfare,还有更多关于航空业的信息。你知道票不是单独定价的吗?它们在不同的票价“桶”或“货架”中移动,这取决于潜在顾客的数量。

从不同的分析到不同的行业如何运作,我学到了很多东西。Thank you to the Underbeplay官网地址graduate Professional Accelerator Fund for giving me these wonderful insights into analytics in the real world!