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beplay官网体育作者:Jillian Klinvex'18

索菲亚·阿莫鲁索,the founder of Nasty Gal and author of#Girlboss公司,2017年3月在洛杉矶举办了第一次Girlboss集会。The GirlBoss Rally brought together 50 accomplished speakers and 500 ambitious,young women.The speakers ranged from Tyler Haney,户外声音的创始人,致艾米丽·韦斯,格洛西耶的创始人,致Kevin Systrom,Instagram的创始人兼首席执行官。发言者谈论了从有意生活到如何经营一个价值数百万美元的时尚品牌的所有事情。My favorite panel and the reason I applied to the conference was to hear from three extremely successful investors: Susan Lyne of BBG Venture,猛禽组织的莎拉·克里斯滕森,and Sarah Kunst,普罗迪的创始人兼首席执行官。以下是我在本专题小组中学到的几个关键要点:

  • 创始人优先–向投资者筹集资金时,the investors are investing in the founder first and their idea second.This sentiment was resounded through each investor present.投资者希望看到创始人的共同特征是激情,坚韧,竞争力,专业性强,和敏感性。
  • Big idea,small steps–当投资者投资一个新想法时,他们正在寻找一个成功的出口,以获得回报。向投资者推销时,创始者必须能够卖出百万或十亿美元的梦想,但仍然能够详细说明实现这个梦想将要采取的具体步骤。
  • 投资者也是人–如果创始人有幸获得投资,he or she should capitalize on the wealth of resources and expertise their investor can offer.小组中的每一位投资者都讨论了他们希望自己的创办人如何寻求更多帮助。Investors truly care about each of their founders.It is in their best interest to supply their founders with the necessary tools and connections to allow their business to thrive.投资者对创始人冒着巨大的风险,希望帮助他们不惜一切代价取得成功。
