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Time management is important no matter who you are or what you do.For students,it can be the difference between a 3.8 and a 3.0.For business people,这往往是一个封闭的交易和令人沮丧的失败之间的区别。因为这样的技能很重要,令人震惊的是,有那么多人似乎没有掌握一些基本的方法来更好地安排他们的一天。I am still working on perfecting my time management abilities,but I have gotten better through the years.我想分享一些我所做的有用的事情,以便完成我的(剧透警报)任务列表。

  1. Create not only a to – do list,but assign each task on the list a time value.不管是2小时的会计学习还是1小时的健身,make sure you have a rough estimate of how long each item on the list will take.然后,把那个清单和时间排成一个时间表。就像这样:
    1. Gym: 3:00-4:00
    2. Study accounting: 4:00-6:00
    3. Dinner 6:00-7:00
    4. Meeting: 7:00-8:30

You get the point.这将有助于你保持正轨,finish up all the things you put on your to do list,and help you feel more productive.

  1. Before doing something,I like to mentally map out the steps needed for the upcoming task to be completed in the most time efficient,但有效的方法是可能的。即使是像做饭这样简单的事情——我喜欢提前考虑,map out what goes in the pan first,需要进行多任务处理,我需要什么补给?以及所有工具的位置。This helps me have an idea of what I am doing before I do it,所以我没有必要坐在那里想,如果我已经得到了所有的补给或者下一步是什么。It's all mapped out in my head and ready to go.
  2. 找人让你负责,反之亦然。A buddy can turn laziness into productivity,只要你找到适合你的人。
  3. Lastly,I try to combine work with relaxation.例如,after working for an hour,我喜欢出去,出去走走,吃点小吃,观看YouTube视频,or do something to clear my head.It helps with the constant flow of information that comes in and out of our brains every day.休息有助于提高工作效率,even if it takes a couple of minutes.

这些是我用来保持注意力集中、在一天中保持高效和有效的一些策略。如果你有我的建议或者想分享你的想法,my email istwang5@beplay官网体育babson.edu.我期待你的消息!