Underbeplay官网地址graduate Blog/职业发展


Thank you for joining me as I share my experiences and insights from the front lines of Life!

对于那些新来的人,my name is Kit and I'm a rising sophomore at beplay官网体育Babson College,目前在波士顿MassChallenge实习暑假。如果你还没有读过我上一篇(也是第一篇)博客文章,beplay官网体育please do sohere.这是一个快速阅读,将有助于上下文的这篇文章的其余部分!beplay官网体育


因此,当5/7的人有目标时,他们马上要做的就是列出实现目标所需的行动,然后开始执行。This works great – if you are the same person at 40 as you are at 20.新闻快报:你的目标会因为人们的改变而改变。你们中的一些人可能会感到惊讶do改变,what doesn't change is process.什么是过程?Process is a series of steps based on principles.这与实现目标所需的行动清单不同,因为前者是理论上的,而后者是实际的。Abstract thinking may be a novel experience for some so I've illustrated the differences below:

Practical (Actions) 理论(过程)
我喜欢巧克力牛奶 观察

Chocolate is brown so it must come from brown cows 假设

棕色的奶牛好像能正常产奶 Experiment

巧克力牛在哪里? 重复

科学方法经受住了时间的考验,这是有原因的,尽管有无数的科学启示。过程是恒定的。当然,在这个过程中有一些改进和调整,但我们不要变得学究。我知道这看起来很吓人——你从哪里开始?First,买一盒新纸巾。Secondly,从你的目标开始,从那里开始工作。For example,I want to be an entrepreneur and run my own business (goal).So I construct a process to give focus and direction to the actions that I will need to take.

Practical (Actions) 理论(过程)

Start my own business


Matriculate at beplay官网体育Babson,第一创业学院


Attend as many business events as humanly possible


Learn execution skills from an internship


While this is a simplification,主要的收获是在你的行为背后有一个过程。If you don't have a process or methodology guiding your actions,这使得适应变化更加困难。在21世纪,适应性是游戏的名称。Remember when putting ‘proficient in Microsoft Office' on your resume meant something?Pepperidge farm remembers.我不能强调建立一个对你有用的过程的重要性,因为它将是一个你可以在生活的各个方面使用的工具。

这有点让人难以接受(哦,嘿,maybe you should have a process for digesting new information – wait,you take notes in school?祝贺你,这是一个过程。不过,请不要为此做记录)所以,再次,如有任何问题,请随时与我联系。Now go forth and construct a process that makes sense and works for you.你得到什么并不重要,只是享受这个过程。

Have a great weekend.

